Heart symbol for bbm display name

Interplay Heart Display Symbols
Heart symbol for bbm display name
What are all the symbols you can put in.Some of my bbm contacts seem to have cool symbols next to their display names, such as a spade and a lightning bolt, i can't find these symbols, and when I try to
Heart symbol for bbm display name
Dolliecrave Symbols for Display NameBBM Display Name - BlackBerry Forums at.
Smartphones > RIM BlackBerry Phones some of my friends have received some other symbols wingdings or webdings idk which I would like to know thoi as well for
BBM extra symbols - SprintUsers.com.
24.06.2008 · I've heard of the hearts and spades and those, but I wanted to know all of the little symbols you can put in your myspace display name, and how you make them.
How to text heart symbols on android.
Android text heart. When assigned to a cell the ____ function returns a number that corresponds to the system date and time beginning with december 31 1899?

ok here is the best way to get new emoticon/smileys whatever. go to app world search for *fancy smiley* and download the one with a smiley and a heart as a
Myspace Icons for Display Name .